Saturday, 27 April 2013

Focus on the overall feeling

Focus on the overall feeling #animtip

Monday, 8 April 2013

Pixar's Senior Scientist explains how math makes the movies and games we love

Pixar's Senior Scientist explains how math makes the movies and games we love: Tony DeRose wanders between rows at New York's Museum of Mathematics. In a brightly-colored button-up T-shirt that may be Pixar standard issue, he doesn't look like the stereotype of a scientist. He greets throngs of squirrely, nerdy children and their handlers — parents and grandparents, math and science teachers — as well as their grown-up math nerd counterparts, who came alone or with their friends. One twentysomething has a credit for crowd animation on Cars 2; he's brought his mom. She wants to meet the pioneer whose work lets her son do what he does.

Monday, 1 April 2013

Things we should try to emerge in viewers while descriptions of the storytelling trance phenomenon!

Things we should try to emerge in viewers while descriptions of the storytelling trance phenomenon!: Storytelling is all about connection between story, teller and audience. It has to be a 3-Way connection as shown in image below.

Happy April's Fools

As seen at the Royal Tyrrell Museum...